Why Awareness Matters

5 Layers of Expanded Consciousness

Are you ready to explore Curating Consciousness? 

Do you think it is possible to CHOOSE a pathway to awakening? 

This MATTERS because we want to be in circles where people are awake, can make informed choices rooted in justice, equality, care, and innovation. This matters because you and who you are matters. This matters because our world needs voices who are informed, compassionate, and ready to offer their gifts.  

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.” ~ Alice Walker 

Do you think someone needs to have their own ‘mountaintop’ or ‘meltdown’ experience to come into consciousness?  

What if YOU could be that person for them? This is step-by-step waking up. If the client is open and desirous of waking up this will take them a good distance into self-awareness. 

Pause for a moment and see yourself with one of your beloved clients...then imagine yourself being able to give them the tools and experiences to WAKE themselves up. There is a lot of joy in being empowered to call others into self-empowerment. 

We didn’t invent the language of image - it’s the oldest known form of communication, and on display everywhere you look from ancient hieroglyphs to modern marketing and social media. You use images and words all the time BUT many of us have been hindered from using them because ‘talent’ was a barrier to entry. What we are talking about has nothing to do with art based on talent, but it does have to do with a willingness to engage in design thinking.  

Drawing by Graphic Recorder, Katherine Torrini

"Without the ability to think about yourself, to reflect on your life, there’s really no awareness, no consciousness. Consciousness doesn’t come automatically; it comes through being alive, awake, curious, and often furious." ~ Maxine Greene, Philosopher

Here’s a word from our founder, Shiloh Sophia:  

“Underneath this language, is my desire to be free. And to have those around me free. Freedom within is a state we can cultivate, but we have to know the context in which we are living in and from. Our Motherboard holds the codes of what we think, believe, know, and hold to be true. We aim to get that information conscious so we can work with it and move it around. It is quite malleable, like the brain - we can be so co-creative with it…  

If you long to make a difference in the lives of those you are serving, then you will be in the right place for gaining access to fresh material. This material makes a huge difference in the lives of those you love to give to. Serving others is a calling...and this call often keeps us motivated to reach and learn new things. 

Those of us with generous hearts to heal the world often seek information we can share with our clients and our beloveds. This experience will give you the next level of insight both you and your clients may be seeking.  

When someone asks me to tell them what this course is about, I find myself saying it is a hybrid between coach training, shaman school, and a playdate with the muse.  

I have long been invested in ‘how we curate consciousness’, we have so much more power than we know…” 

CODEX: 2019 yearlong work in progress by Shiloh Sophia and over 100 women around the world

“Metacognition research concerns the processes by which people self-reflect on their own cognitive and memory processes (monitoring) and how they put their metaknowledge to use in regulating their information processing and behavior (control)” ~ Asher Koriat 

I feel invigorated and finally ready to offer group programs consistently, which I have wanted to do in the past, BUT did a few and then stopped. I love SCRIBING and have been drawing and meditating every morning. The drawing includes a message as well as the image.I love using visuals with my private clients. Either I draw or they draw as I bring them through metacognitive processes. Also, I’m testing out processes for my group program with my private clients first, which is wonderful. Creativity is at my core and I welcome it back with open arms and an open heart. ~ Alyse Parise, Intentional Creativity Coach

Five Levels of Benefit

There are five levels of benefit from the Intentional Creativity experiences. That's as far as we know for now, yet there are likely many more! You will be going through the process and doing your own work at a new level with images and words. Even when you think you have already done your work, you are always changing and you haven't done it like this. When you add word and image into your lexicon, it changes the access you have to your own information. Often in the MOMENT, as a download, while you are 'thinking with a pen'.

  • The FIRST level is your own experience of having an expanded framework, increased access to your own content, information, and sensual input. You will develop a colorful lexicon of tools you can use in your sessions.
  • The SECOND level is that your clients will benefit from what you learn because you can easily pass it on and begin using it with them in your work together.  
  • The THIRD level is that THEY will be able to use the tools for themselves, even when they are not in a session with you. You have empowered them.
  • The FOURTH level is that as we make these kinds of fundamental changes, our family and community benefits automatically. All of those around us are impacted by those who awaken. And then some of us call others to awaken!
  • The FIFTH level is that the world as a whole benefits from conscious beings waking up. Since we know everything is connected, truly connected, then everything we do to serve and create good in the world benefits the whole.  

Key in our training is the awareness of being - and the context in which you are being. The ‘framework’ in which you experience life, where you come from. In our community, we hold true the idea that being aware of your context, where you are truly living in your own mind and story is part of the journey towards liberation. Our program has an emphasis on identifying where you live, who you are, what you believe, what your superpowers are, and how you can use them to live out your fullness.  

You are developing yourself in such a way that you can create an expanded container for your clients as you expand your own awareness.

Why is this important to your work? 

What if your clients could show what was REALLY going on?

What is happening for them in their inner world?  

Often our known insights through language don’t give us a true depiction of what is going on, ‘underground.’ Working with image, language, color, and inquiry can give them the WAY to share what is happening for them. And at the same time, the process reduces stress within 5 minutes. YOU become the witness of the journey using your gifts and intuition; not to tell them what’s wrong or what to do; instead, invite them to arrive at their own conclusions. It is time for a change.

A video from Shiloh's Journal while in Italy, sharing visual knowledge

What it means to Access your Source Code

Self Awakening through Creativity

As you awaken you naturally begin to offer that expansion to others. 

As you awaken, your messages become clear and your teachings refined.

As you awaken, your joy comes to life in ways you never imagined...

Creativity is an embodied practice for ALL beings, not just for the talented. We are all using it ALL the time...what is different in our training is we teach you HOW to use it for thinking and self-expression. 

Shiloh Sophia ARTIFACT work in progress - intuitive soul coding

When we say this is a training in awakening and accessing your internal information, we are referring to a metaphor of 'source code'.

We all come in with certain beliefs, systems, and structures. We are largely unaware of this programming and it lives at deeply subconscious and unconscious levels. When these are outside of our awareness, we operate in the world unconsciously.  

We don’t know what is operating behind the scenes, dominating our experience.  

In our voyage of life, we seek to liberate the hidden patterns - to wake up - to become more conscious. To live from our deepest truth and share our gifts. To be aware of our message and what is ours to cause and create in the world.  

This training will grant you access to your source code - as much as you are available to it at any given time - it will bring to your awareness this hidden operating system. What we call, your “motherboard”, a metaphor that communicates powerfully about how you operate.  

Your ‘motherboard’ has been hidden from view, and as much as we try, it is challenging to work with what we do not SEE. Further, how we feel is greatly impacted by what we see or don’t see. Image offers us evidence of the unseen, bringing heightened awareness into the conversational experience. Within us, there is so much more information here than the words & letters of our traditional “vocabulary” can express. But how do you get inside to gain access? This is what Intentional Creativity is all about.  

Metacognition is connected to reflecting on one’s own mental activity. In our case, it is concerned with sparking consciousness about consciousness. When we engage with this level of awareness the mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical selves are activated. Everything in us responds.  

Instead of ‘sleepwalking through life,’ or being in a ‘fog’, we can choose to engage with ourselves as cosmic beings having a human experience that we get to be a part of. Understanding our co-creative nature is one of the first steps in the liberation of our self-awareness.

Frameworks [formerly Motherboard] has given me greater access to my unique wisdom. Using these processes has opened up parts of my brain that are truly creative and have been able to come up with solutions and different ways of looking at things that I have been able to transfer into my work situation. I now understand embodiment in its fullest sense and will transfer this into all spheres of creativity, including the writing of my book. ~ Marion Gibbon, Intentional Creativity Coach.

Becoming Visually Literate - Making the Invisible, Visible...

Your Internal Source Code started long before you had access to language. Image is one of the most powerful languages of Source. When you unlock your own power of Image - through Intentional Creativity - you literally SEE what has been previously unseen and YOU are the one authoring it. Through seeing it, your right and left brain collaborate with the intelligence of the heart. Alignment is created in ways we have always hoped were possible!  

Intentional Creativity is the technology that will guide you to see and experience, literally on the page, canvas, wall, or digital device. At its core, it is simply to create with mindfulness. To bring your awareness into your creation.  

Intentional Creativity is an approach to creating. We invite the realizations available from mindfulness, your interior knowing and being, into form.  

“Quantum physics presents a new and exciting worldview that challenges old concepts, such as deterministic trajectories of motion and causal continuity. If initial conditions do not forever determine an object’s motion, if instead, every time we observe, there is a new beginning, then the world is creative at the base level.” ~ Amit Goswami, Self Aware Universe 

Here's an example of a visual journaling page from one of our Facilitators, Katherine Torinni. Can you imagine being able to SEE your work? And be able to SEE and KNOW what your clients are really trying to say? 

Submit Your Application

What is your Framework?  

Frameworks as a whole works with metacognitive consciousness. This approach invites access to your hidden information and facilitates metacognitive awareness. You will explore what it means to ignite your Framework, your internal way of operating and being. Frameworks is the Intentional Creativity process to gain access. Using image, word, color and inquiry to arrive at new information, refine pathways, adjust projections, insights and inputs. This work provides new ways of thinking and acting, and ultimately, a new level of expanded results and awareness.  

Our step-by-step templates are designed to awaken you. This is the first part of our voyage. Then you will learn to share these templates with your clients.

Here are photos from a video process with Shiloh Sophia. Some templates will involve painting and some will involve paper/pen. 

The Metacognitive Drawing process is simple, yet so profound and powerful. Prior to FRAMEWORKS [formerly called MOTHERBOARD] I did not draw, journal with coloured pens or paint. Now I do all of that. I feel like I am more in touch with my knowing than ever and creating the practice of intention and creation in all aspects of my life, not just coaching. This experience has caused tremendous growth and expansion and self-awareness. I am so grateful! ~ Marnie Dangerfield, Intentional Creativity Coach

Want to learn more about how Shiloh Sophia 'thinks and works' as well as experience a simple Metacognitive Drawing process?

For this you will need about twenty minutes and a paper and pen. Shiloh begins with talking about the process, then guides you in a simple inquiry, followed by a peek into the wilds of her studio...

How This Works + Research

You experience results first and then teach others!

This emergent, innovative technology uses a metacognitive consciousness approach. We can become more conscious by being the observer of our own consciousness. Quantum physics has shown us that everything in the universe that is observed, changes when observed. This applies to us as human beings. When we begin to develop a deeper awareness of our context, our context changes, and we begin developing the ability to influence it.  

Where did I come from,
and what am I supposed to be doing? I have no idea. My soul is from elsewhere,
I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there.  

I'm like a bird from another continent,
sitting in this aviary. The day is coming when I fly off, but who is it now in my ear who hears my voice? Who says words with my mouth?  

Who looks out with my eyes? What is the soul? ​I cannot stop asking.  


Inquiry is what lights up the brain, offering it a fresh place to work with new ideas. But we have to ask in order for this phenomenon to work. At the heart of transformational work, we know that the clients and beloveds we serve must be willing to do their own work. Yet doing one’s own work can be greatly hampered by not having enough access to ‘their inner world.’ 

By harnessing the use of image, language, color, and inquiry you will be able to offer your clients access to undiscovered ways of seeing and being.  

Developing visual practice gives a sense not just of capacity, but of command. When one gets past the initial "shiny toy" phase of drawing, and through hands-on practice discovers its adaptability and usefulness, one taps into deeper work. ~ Brandy Agerbeck

The work of Intentional Creativity Coaching is exciting because of the ease of doing a coaching session. You only need a pen and paper! You can do it anytime and anywhere. It can bring great clarity in a moment of thought, literally! It is fun and doesn’t seem like work. I love that this coaching process is a shared co-created experience. ~ Janet Higley, Intentional Creativity Coach and Teacher

This heightened access allows hidden wisdom, pleasure, and power to emerge.  

Our movement founder, Shiloh Sophia says this:  

“Many of us have confused happiness with security. The elusive pursuit of it and the ever-changing nature of what it means to ‘have it all’ has created a never-ending loop of seeking something that is just out of reach...a paradox.  

Happiness often comes from things far different than ideas of security. Feeling at home in your body or in your circle of friends. Knowing how to express what you think and feel and know. Experiencing self-expression for the pure pleasure of it. Paradoxically perhaps, these experiences actually create a greater potential for well-being, and therefore a capacity to nurture a plan which makes us feel more secure in our lives. The pursuit of feeling secure alone will likely not give us what we seek.  

Perhaps we will do better to spend more of our attention creating experiences that lead to a greater sense of place on earth. While happiness itself may also be elusive, I think there are far greater opportunities for it than we allow ourselves. Let’s make ourselves more available to that which truly nourishes us. We may think of these things as optional, not critical, akin to a hobby or recreation. Yet experience and research increasingly show that our internal peace is created by internal sensation paired with external experience. Let’s look for more of that.  

In my community, that means making art, making love, dancing, and all manner of creative celebrations!” 

As a member, our training will show you HOW to offer this heightened experience to those you serve. In this method, the client is connecting directly with the source of their own information, including their internal patterns and stories. You are the guide for their process, but you don’t have to have all the answers or all the right questions. You just show them the way in, where that cosmic door is that has been hiding in plain sight!  

You will discover powerful new ways to hold space for their emergent knowing to come through, versus needing to ‘solve their problems.’ They create their own results through truly simple hybrid approaches that are amplified by how they are combined. Mediums of inquiry like mindfulness, drawing abstract designs, thinking meditations, and visual journaling are able to yield powerful results.  

And here’s the exciting part: while this technology will benefit your clients, you will come first. You will experience firsthand the expansion that is possible.  

The training will give you experience with one-to-one, group facilitation, and workshops. The method works virtually and in person. What we have created is a reliable, replicable process for allowing your internal knowing, presence, and intuition to arise in your awareness.  

At times you will be sharing the process solo, to demonstrate a point by “drawing the picture for them.” Most of the time your client will be drawing along with you. Sometimes they will be drawing and you will be witnessing. Sometimes you will be doing a creative process over time, over many weeks or months. 

"The earliest scholars who explored the brain lateralization in relation to creativity emphasized the importance of both hemispheres. Indeed this is what was held to be unique about creativity compared to other highly lateralized psychological functions.” ~ The Neuroscience of Creativity by Anna Abraham 

Over the last 25 years,
We have been using the power of Intentional Creativity to:

  • Educate people around the world, reaching tens of thousands of students
  • Publish books with image and word and inquiry to educate others on the technology
  • Certify people in the Intentional Creativity Method: We currently have over 500 Teachers, Coaches and Guides
  • Coach thousands through adding creative processes to individual and group sessions
  • Bring insights in therapy-based modalities, including psychology, bodywork, and energy medicine.
  • Facilitate healing journeys in all kinds of contexts: prisons, hospitals, clinics, trauma centers, conferences, recovery groups, Veterans, the United Nations, colleges - anywhere healing needs to happen, Intentional Creativity can help
  • Guide leadership trainings around the world
  • Teach children and teens in schools
  • Build businesses rooted in this cutting edge technology
  • Serve upwards of 1,500 active students/members a month  

I’ve discovered I have access to my own content when I’m in a position free of my perceived judgment by others. I’m working diligently with Intentional Creativity to get beyond this. One of my core stories is that I needed to earn love and that I could be judged not worthy of receiving it. I was always looking for the “right answer”. My new story is that I have always been worthy of love and I don’t have to earn it. When I trust that belief, my intuition speaks more loudly and clearly. It allows me to design powerful processes on the spot as things arise. ~ Natalie Moyes, Intentional Creativity Coach and Teacher

About the Curriculum & Research

Research is showing us that creativity is a potent tool in our lives. 

Plos One from the Cognitive Neuroscience channel and journal says that in a study with an MRI on adults doing visual art during a ten-week “art intervention,” they experienced psychological resilience and stress resistance. 

“...making visual art can improve connections throughout the brain known as the default mode network...This system is associated with the brain's state during wakeful rest, like daydreaming, but it's also active when we're focusing on internal thoughts or future plans."

Studies are showing that when people are more creative, they are happier, clearer, and more able to navigate their world with a sense of self-awareness and self-agency.

In January 2019, LinkedIn Learning found that "creativity is the most important skill in the world."

The creativity that is so needed in our world is not the sole property of artists and "creatives" but a skill that anyone can learn, and it begins with access and consciousness. When people have access to their innate creativity, they are able to come up with new, innovative solutions to complex problems - even if they have never encountered that problem before, or if they have tried to solve it in conventional ways and failed. 

Vision Your Year Class at MUSEA in Sonoma, California

Research with 500 people
in our community working with Intentional Creativity


93% said they experience creativity as a mindfulness practice.

89% said they include creativity as a part of their spiritual practice.

86% felt that their creative practice positively impacted those closest to them.

92% feel that creativity influences their compassion for themselves.

90% said they experienced compassion for others near them through creativity.

83% experienced compassion for others they did not know through stories they heard.

80% said they would suggest a creative process to others who experience depression.


87% consider themselves self-expressed as compared to before they were creating  

86% said they have experienced breakthroughs and aha’s during creating  

77% said they choose painting specifically to work through a chosen breakthrough  

90% said they have experienced a shift in their default thinking  

88% said they experienced a shift in their personal story through creating with intention.  

89% said they bring insights into their life discovered while painting.

85% said they experienced an expanded sense of self.

79% noticed an easing of physical symptoms while creating.

93% experience creating as a relief/break that benefits their overall well-being.

90% have experienced a shift in recurring emotional pain through the creative process.

90% said that creativity helped them maintain a healthy outlook.

‘Access’ to your source code isn’t a secret, but many of us have lost our way....now it is time to find our way again...

Our Intentional Creativity curriculum is always about you accessing your own information. How you 'get in' and know what you know. And how you can do it on command. We will experience this through circle, masterminds, teaching videos, guided process and so much more! Most of the information will be shared using the simple materials of a pen and paper. Yet, since I am a painter and painting is so much fun and because I have learned what I have learned through painting; each member will also create a big ole' painting of their motherboard!! WHOOOOHooo this will be so fun and informative. Because when you paint, you get downloads!!  

This is about learning to find your way, in your own way! When we look at the world today, we can see what losing our way can mean for how we design our life. We may make choices that are inconsistent with our values, we can pick relationships that aren't right for us, we say yes to work that doesn't fulfill us, we feel we don't have gifts, or talent, or the secret sauce.  

The focus of our work is awakening, 'coming to our senses,' and finding our truest voice and how to share it. FRAMEWORKS: Intentional Creativity Coaching Certification is an invitation to repattern and discover new ways of working, to re-program the motherboard. Our stories are in need of a new narrator! If your clients don’t have access to their truest voice, even what they share with you will be filtered through their walls, fog, blocks. Do you ever feel like you can’t quite get to the heart of what they are saying?  

You will be able to tell stories visually, lead your clients on a journey of imagination, demonstrate visual concepts, support them in healing outdated memories, co-create their extraordinary future, and have a fantastic time doing it. The act of drawing reduces stress within 5-7 minutes...really! Together we will make a lexicon of your visual knowledge, teach you to think with a pen, create authentic social media graphics, communicate YOUR message in living color!

Set your ideas freeeeee!

“Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines technology, cognitive science, human need, and beauty to produce something that the world didn’t know it was missing.” —Paola Antonelli, Curator of architecture and design, Museum of Modern Art” 

Community and Inclusivity

Our work through Intentional Creativity® aims to support our community in navigating our world with resilience, compassion and awareness.

Frameworks Intentional Creativity Coach Training is powerful in its capacity to awaken us to what we haven't been seeing. As we awaken, we begin to heal and transform both ourselves and the collective, and we can step into powerful collaboration with one another across a spectrum of experiences and identities.

Red Thread Circle in Paris ~ photo by Brunehilde Yvrande

At Musea we are passionate about women in the arts having their stories and art shared. Many hands, many voices, many lands. We believe that women's voices and images are what is needed to create equality and justice in the systems for humanity. In all areas of Civil Rights women and people of color are the least represented voices at the table. Those who do speak up often do so at their own expense, finding themselves threatened, denounced, and often at the impact of violence.

While no one can guarantee a truly safe space, at Musea we hope to be a space of invitation for a diversity of women's voices and the BIWOC community; including having team members Lauren Adorno-Weatherford and Semerit Strachan as our BIWOC leadership team for the Musea Membership.

FRAMEWORKS is a Call for CONSCIOUSNESS. Consciousness leads the way to EQUITY and COLLABORATION.

We hold an ideal, based on experience, that access to self-expression, education, and a supportive community empowers the possibility of becoming conscious and coherent. Conscious beings naturally desire equity and inclusion on all levels. Moving beyond belief and bias and into the framework of human rights, civil rights, and the right to be self-expressed.

We believe, and indeed have experienced, that when someone becomes more conscious, they begin to care about themselves in such a way that caring for others is integral to their own well-being. They see the world with new eyes and new conscious awareness of what is within them. From this place, interconnection and collaboration with one another across a spectrum of experience and difference becomes possible and integral to our lives.

We understand that there are systems in place which distort our relationship with ourselves, one another, and the earth. These systems can keep us from seeing who we are, seeing who other people are, and how change is possible in our world.

Frameworks Intentional Creativity Coach Training provides a supportive pathway for deeper access to consciousness which catalyzes individuals to identify how these systems of oppression impact us both internally and externally and how we may be complicit with them. From this place, we are more able to step into anti-oppression work and integrate it into our lives and communities.

When women become conscious, they naturally desire to include, care and practice compassion. While there is always work to do, the first level of waking up is accessible through intentional self-expression and mapping, and consciously curating our own Frameworks.

Gathering the Tribes by Shiloh Sophia