This page has exciting opportunities to gather and details are still arriving.

You are Invited to Gather with us

Opportunities to Gather in person with CURATE Shiloh Sophia, fellow MUSEA Students and Graduates of Intentional Creativity Trainings in 2024


Held at the MUSEA Center for Intentional Creativity and Consciousness

Where Ceremonies, Feasts, Rituals, Nature, Creativity, Drumming and Circles occur with our Initiated Intentional Creativity Community (Graduates and Student Cohorts)





Shiloh Sophia and Emily Grieves with their completed paintings

Villa Las Campanas - July 2024

Shiloh Sophia leading circle at Villa Las Campanas

Heart Shaped Topiary at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Pyramid of the Moon

Students with Shiloh Sophia ready to depart Villa Las Campanas


Each gathering has experiences of: ceremony, medicine painting, nature, ritual, feasting and the elements. Each one has a similar pattern and schedule flow. Yet each one focuses on a different part of the Wheel of the Year and the building blocks of creation.

We are in essence rematriating with the natural world and all of creation.

Each retreat is connected with the primary archetype of the Cura, the healer and the Curate, the healer who leads. The root of the Cura is the one who cares for the Soul of the Village.

These in-person experiences will have specific content that can only take place in a natural environment.

The Cura Council Gatherings at MUSEA Sonoma and Wild Water Creek on Sonoma Mountain in California with Founders and Guest Guides. Each retreat is rooted in Medicine Painting, Care for Creation, Shared and Nourishing Feasts.

We will explore things that are part of the Intentional Creativity Culture like...

  • Medicine Painting
  • Collaborative Ritual
  • Ceremony and the Elements
  • Presence of the Divine Feminine
  • The Timeline of Creation
  • Frame Drumming and Singing
  • Conscious Evolution
  • Sacred Reciprocity
  • Alchemical Activism
  • Rematriation Decolonization

  • Coherence Meditation
  • Particle and Wave Energy
  • Relational Compassions
  • Seasonal Apothecary
  • Feasts by Chef Jonathan
  • Wine Tasting with Jonathan
  • Ceremony in Nature
  • Signing the Red Book of the Guild
  • Tour of the Museum
  • Late night painting and dance parties

And more that is co-created by all of us through the framework of the ceremony.

If you haven't had the chance to experience a Feast prepared by Jonathan McCloud. Food is one of his many artistic gifts and will leave you feeling nourished and loved.

Steelhead Salmon Topped with edible blue Borage flowers.

Figs from our Fig Tree

Zucchini Blossoms

Homegrown Collards, Carrots, Onions, Celery, & Garlic finished with Molasses cooked in Dutch Oven from Sue Hoya Sellers

Della Fattoria Bread, Petaluma Butter and Fleur De Sel Salt

Gnocchi - small, pillowy dumplings made from potatoes and flour with red crab and vegan butter sauce.

2021 Legend: VIVID Gathering at MUSEA Center for Intentional Creativity

"This weekend has been so valuable for me, actually VITAL for this work and my training to be in the body with these other women and Shiloh Sophia! I could not have received what I needed without this experience. The Beauty of the living energy of Shiloh and her paintings and the women supported a breakthrough into myself as an Artist." ~ Student share

Prima Materia Gathering

CURA Gathering at Musette Atelier

Jonathan hosting a meal at Musea

Land at MUSEA Center

Beautiful Outdoor Dinning

Shiloh soaking in the Sonoma sun

MUSEA Classroom

MUSEA Red Thread Circle

Students at MUSEA Campus Studio

On Site Lodging Available

We have lodging for up to ten people at MUSEA, lovingly called the Mermaid Room. Lodging on-site is available on a first-come basis for $100 per night. More details will be shared upon event registration. Questions, contact Sarah Mardell

Mermaid Dorm

Mermaid Dorm

Our Food is Delicious, don't just take our word for it. Hear it from our community members!

MUSEA Founders Shiloh Sophia and Chef Jonathan McCloud 2023 Gathering for the Feast.

Photo by Kathleen Brigidina

"Oh, My Goddess! Never have I ever eaten such delicious and healthy food! Knowing most of it came from the garden tended by the Chef's own hands, so I know it's clean and healthy eating. I have eaten things that I swore I would never put into my mouth! Rare lamb chops - I would have never put rare meat in my mouth! But I tried it, cuz Jonathan... Everything is fresh fresh! And you can certainly taste the difference! Oh my!! When am I going back to Sonoma again? November? Not soon enough..."

~ Naa Kwarley Amissah

"Eating Jonathan’s prepared food reminded me of my mother’s saying, “love goes through the stomach”. I felt nurtured, loved, satiated while staying light and not overstuffed. Plus, it was super yummy!"

~ Sylvia Becker-Hill

"A gastronomic extravaganza that was both stunningly beautiful, light and delicious- all the flavors, distinct, yet beautifully harmonized! A total treat for the palate and the eye."

~ Clair Oaks

"The wonderfully tended and intentionally paired items I have experienced from the kitchen of Chef Jonathan, has continued to expand my palate while nurturing my whole being. I have continued to enjoy the lovingly prepared meals that are as farm to fresh as if I picked them myself. Jonathan meals, for me, have been a wonderous example of the Intentional table made with nutritional care and attention for mind body & soul."

~ Kelly House

"The care and detail in every dish from Jonathan’s kitchen is exquisite. He is a master of texture, flavor, and freshness that make the food sing through your body. What he doesn’t grow he chooses locally with such diligence; he can tell you where every ingredient originated. Your body knows you are eating a meal that is lovingly prepared."

~ Kara Young

"Oh goodness yes! I have seriously MISSed Johnathon’s inspired, deliciously tasty, exquisitely beautiful, incredibly healthy and responsibly grown culinary creations ever since I came back to Chicago. It would be so healthy to eat like that every day."

~ Kathleen Brigidina

The Cura Council Vision

500 Vision Year for a Quantum Commons and a Calling to Ceremonial Gathering following the Wheel of the Year

The CURA Council is a community offering seasonal ceremonies and story circles Guided by Curate Shiloh Sophia and the Guardians of Intentional Creativity®.

We come from a lineage of art matriarchs who passed on ideas on how to live this life well and in a conscious way. They taught us to live with intentional creativity and love at the center of our choices. We pass the teachings and ceremonies onto you so you can pass them on to the people in your life.

Our Great Work in this unfolding story of our lives is to:

  • Gather: Call people to gather in ceremony, a return to tribe/clan/circle.
  • Celebrate: Honor the cycles of creation and elements 8 times a year.
  • Evolve: Explore the innate capacities of each person and how we live.
  • Create: Summon each of us to be wildly self-expressed
  • Discover: Learn the Care for Creation Teachings and become a guardian.
  • Certainty: Create a sense of continuity in a world that feels so uncertain.
  • Inclusivity: Provide a mystical agnostic sacred container for ‘village’.

and for the first 50 or so years… as long as our founder is still living ...

  • Connection: Offer our practicing students at MUSEA University and the Intentional Creativity Museum time with Curate Shiloh Sophia. The Cura Council is meta; you practice with her while you practice for your village curation.
  • Structure: Provide an instructional framework for how to create a circle without end that passes the teachings of each generation forward to the next guardians.

and most of all

  • Love: Practice living big love together as we consciously choose to evolve