Frameworks Intentional Creativity®
Coach Certification Training Overview

"We are all visual thinkers. Becoming conscious of being visually savvy is a life-changing experience both in personal and professional practice. This one change, to choose to work and think visually is among the most important teachings I can imagine sharing."

~ Shiloh Sophia


FRAMEWORKS is an emergent metacognitive drawing and image-based coaching method for identifying, catalyzing, and organizing your ‘motherboard.’ Motherboard in this case refers to the set of conditions, beliefs, concepts, and values that inform your identity and how you live in the world. Our hope for you is that you gain deeper access to your own consciousness, and develop a powerful, unique, and integrated Metacognitive Consciousness toolkit that you can use with your own coaching clients.


We will work together through virtual mediums including circles, masterminds, sharing our work, peer-to-peer coaching, and coaching 2 practice clients throughout the training. You are invited to work on one large painting throughout the Frameworks journey as a creative journey in curating consciousness, and a way of truly experiencing the power of Intentional Creativity. 


So many trainings are rooted in concepts, ideas, and structures without providing or requiring actual personal experience, practice, and integration. Throughout the Frameworks training, we provide an opportunity for you to truly EXPERIENCE the material in form-based ways. By this, we mean you make something in form/matter with your hands informed by your mind and heart. This is one of the most powerful ways to deeply integrate what you are learning, thereby shaping you into an impactful coach.

As a part of the Frameworks Curriculum Delivery, you will:

  • Create and keep a Visual Journal of your discoveries.
  • Design a Lexicon of Visual Language deck.  
  • Create personalized graphics and icons that can serve as teaching tools with clients.
  • Create effective coaching templates to use over and over again.
  • Learn to tell a story through images with simple yet powerful processes involving pen and paper.
  • Learn how to digitize your hand-drawn graphics and icons into effective online marketing images.
  • Practice image-based coaching with your Frameworks peers in real-time.
  • Tap into the power of metacognitive drawing practices to access and reflect on consciousness.
  • Discover how to intuitively 'source' information from within for yourself and in your coaching sessions.
  • Journey through one large Intentional Creativity Method painting that is a translation of your 'Motherboard'
  • OPTION: Add 1-on-1 coaching to expertly hone your skills and deepen your experience of the work.

Watch Shiloh Sophia as she shares about the ideas behind the work and how it is a tool for waking up:

Frameworks Intentional Creativity Coaching Practice

Intentional Creativity Coaching is designed to be a collaborative process between you and your client in service of raising self-awareness. It specifically employs imagination, which may include visioning, drawing, journaling, and graphic recording engaged in by both coach and client.

Together the two of you create a Collaborative Field in which you are working together - it is the energy overlap from the biofield of each person and how they interact.

Our coaches provide an experiential approach to metacognitive consciousness - thinking about thinking - so the client may have access to their own information and deeper layers of awareness.

There is also an element of mutuality inherent in Intentional Creativity Coaching, as the coach invites the client to share in an experiential process with them. This expands the Collaborative Field capacity exponentially, creating space for new possibilities.

Below is a list of the some of our Frameworks Coaching practices that you will be introduced to and supported in developing over the course of the Frameworks training.

Frameworks Coaching Skills

Philosophy: We bring Intentional Creativity to each conversation, no matter what the topic or timing because we are aware that creativity creates the framework of greatest access for the client and the coach. 

Science: We are aware of the basic science behind bringing the right brain and left brain together with the heart for powerful inner access. We are also aware of the concepts of the field, electromagnetism of the heart, and how the field of the heart receives information.

Wholeness Alignment: We see the client as whole; including their somatic, energetic, psychological, and electromagnetic (field) components as well as their unique inner guidance system or truest voice. By understanding the client’s wholeness in this way, we are more equipped to notice what the client may not be seeing.

Curating Sacred Space: We create and curate Sacred Space for our clients; a container in which the experience of coaching is taking place. Creating Sacred Space is a skill that creates a more powerful capacity for transformation.

Active Listening: We are present with our clients and their field as well as being clear with them that we are in a shared or Collaborative Field anytime we work together.

Curious Presence: We come with curiosity as an approach to the session which invites an element of imagination, as well as activates and expands part of our mental cognition to see different perspectives.

Visual Thinking: We invite our clients to use visual thinking to access their information. We introduce this framework as an innovative approach to coaching while pointing out that visuals are used in EVERY form of life, commerce, advertising, and print media. 

Drawing: We are prepared to use different forms of drawing with our clients to get the juices flowing or as a form of meditation. Metacognitive Drawing is our main practice. Drawing brings forth the subconscious and often surprises us. 

Powerful Questions: We see that when we ask a Powerful Question (open-ended question), our client is more likely to feel deeply engaged and go directly to more potent insights.

Awareness: We have awareness of the potential features or tools we can use when working with individual clients or groups and are prepared to bring them into play.

Focused Inquiry: We bring catalyzing questions to our clients that lead to deeper access. These Focused Inquiries cannot be answered in the moment, but rather need to be marinated in and fully engaged with through curiosity as if shining a flashlight on them.

Intuition: First and foremost, the Intentional Creativity coach uses their intuition to access their information in the moment, in the space between the two of you or the group. There is an embodiment of and access to information: You had a plan that starts to change; you can allow the client to lead without letting them dominate; you are willing to shift how you are working. You can do this easily with the tools you discover - navigating between different kinds of processes designed to open the client to themselves.

Threaded Teachings: We are integrated with our own content and are prepared to offer teachings to our clients. The teachings we curate and develop support us as coaches in being able to bring our client to an important choice point that changes the choice cascade.

Insight Challenging: We offer Insight Challenging to our clients with an insight drawn from our experience in the session so far OR inviting the client to come up with an insight that causes them to stretch into a new area of growth.

Re-framing Stories: We are able to determine what part of our client's story needs a new view. We invite our clients to see and claim a new perspective, which allows their personal narrative to shift. We believe that a new frame allows the client to choose in the moment what will empower them the most to move towards their desired outcome.

Somatic Sensing: At times we allow for the body to direct what comes next, and see this as valuable session guidance. We encourage our clients to have a trusting awareness of what their body is revealing, reminding them that our body more often than not, has much wisdom to reveal to us.

Inner Wisdom: We believe that our own Inner Wisdom as well as our client’s Inner Wisdom will be one of the most powerful tools in the coaching process. We bring Intentional Creativity to our clients to support them in accessing this Inner Wisdom, as it is one of the most direct access points. We know from experience that once Inner Wisdom is activated, it can spark a field of mutual intuition - a space in which we are igniting each other’s inner wisdom.

Future Focused: We are committed to guiding our clients forward. We know that while past experiences may have informed how our client currently views themselves, in Intentional Coaching we are Future Focused. This means we only look at the past in terms of its connection to what is preventing them from moving forward in the present. By doing so, we are constantly supporting our clients in being able to create and move into the future they deeply desire, while experiencing their present in a fuller way.

I believe Intentional Creativity Coaching is different from traditional coaching because it actually gets you out of your head. It is an embodied experience where taking action is part of the process. The process goes beyond talking and you leave with tangible evidence to explore. Intentional Creativity Coaching is a shared experience which makes it very different from traditional coaching. ~ Elsie Chang, Intentional Creativity Coach and Teacher

Frameworks Curriculum


The Frameworks Curriculum will be delivered in experiential multimedia modules. Below is an overview of what we will be exploring and the content we will be diving into. You will experience it yourself, then learn how to bring the experience to your clients. Mostly, the work takes place within yourself, and by connecting your inner and outer worlds through drawing, writing, thinking, being, practicing, conversation, and trying on the concepts.  


The work will be achieved through visual journaling, creative process, video teachings, and dialogue. They will be presented in a step-by-step path, leaving room for the great mystery. ALL RESULTS will be achieved through creative action and your awareness of that action as it is happening in real-time via your observer.


While we will be working directly with your story, we will only be visiting this story relative to where you are going. We won’t be digging up all the old baggage and re-organizing the contents one more time. Rather we will only be looking at those features of the story that prevent you from inhabiting your chosen desires.

Chances are you have already done a lot of this work - but have you done it in IMAGE, WORD, and COLOR?

Can you SEE your results, point to them, revisit them again and again, or is it just an awareness of having done the work? Awareness is awesome, and our curriculum truly dives into that as our beginning. Have you been creative with your process of becoming, in form? Meaning have you ‘made something with your hands?’

THIS MEANS YOU EMBODY IT IN REAL-TIME, PHYSICALLY, and ENERGETICALLY so it is happening on many more levels than just a mental one.

Let's take a closer look at some of the stops on the road map that takes us there.


Below is a sampling of Frameworks 15 curriculum modules. Many of the modules are self-directed practicum where the student becomes the teacher thereby accelerating mastering of the concepts.



Identifying and breaking free of constraints and discovering how to use your voice.  


Who Am I? Who is doing this thinking/seeing/ being?


AWARENESS: Where Am I? (this body, this earth, this frame, this environment)

RELATIONAL AWARENESS: What are my relationships/responsibilities?

COSMIC AWARENESS: What is my connection to the divine/ universe/ unknown?  



Discovering how to be at cause through liberating yourself and discovering how to use your mind.  


What is mine to do in my life and how do I do it?  


How much self-agency do I really have?  


How do I bring ideas (consciousness) into matter/form?  


How do I create quantumly?  



Discover the specific facets of the self that leads to conscious intentional choice to integrate those facets.


Creating alignment between soul, body, self, mind, and field.


Initiating intentional choice and getting familiar with the concept of the 'imprensiva'  


Work with affirmations specific to the many facets of the self to create a more embodied way of being. 

WHOLENESS DISCOVERY: Connecting your inner and outer selves, cosmos and earth, soul and body.


PRACTICING the FIELD: Begin to explore how you can tune into the field in your work for greater cognition.  


Develop the awareness of your client as a whole human being and treat them that way.


Discover how you can bring your intuition into your coaching sessions in a truly authentic way.  


Look at the skills in context with the IC Coaching Pattern and how they fit into the flow you are using.  


Begin to make a list of your own Powerful Questions and FOCUSED Inquiries that can lead your client to a breakthrough.  


Explore the choices of how you will work with drawing in your sessions.  



A fresh view that is Muse Infused - one that can be provocative and inspiring.  


Asking powerful questions that are designed to catalyze access.  

COCREATING WITH YOUR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS: Becoming accountable to the idea that you can be co-creative with your own consciousness. How it works and how you can deepen your capacity to co-create.

AWAKENING BY CHOICE: Recognizing that consciousness is ours to embody and curate. Doing what you can to become awake by choice and invite others to the same.  

WORKING WITH YOUR WAY OF SEEING, LISTENING THINKING, and BECOMING: Experiencing this through inquiry and metacognitive drawing.  


Capacity, Structures, Coherency, Cocreation, and Authorship DEVELOP A TEACHING: You are invited to develop a teaching that can be shared with your clients. Work from a place of invoking WONDER.  


CURATING CONSCIOUSNESS: Intentional Creativity in its purest form - providing people ways to work with themselves to be able to see what is hidden  

UNDERSTANDING WHAT IT MEANS TO BE 'AWAKE': Being self-aware to the point that your soul allows you to be at this time.  

LIVING AT THE 'QUIVERING EDGE' OF AWAKENING: Developing YOUR awareness of YOU, feeling the change in your body and energy  

Moving from your own awakening to supporting others in seeing what they haven't been seeing  


Empowering you to be conscious enough to be available to what arises in the moment with a client - with access to your resources or invention on the spot.  

UNVEILING INSIGHT: Working through Intentional Creativity to quicken or stir access to the unconscious 'unknown' parts 


SENSUAL SOMATICS: Connecting and consulting with the body and its senses in the IC coaching process.  

CURATING SENSUAL ENVIRONMENTS: Designing your coaching space and sessions to honor your client's sensual nature.  

OFFERING RITUAL TO IGNITE THE SENSUAL: Creating rituals that invite your clients more deeply into their somatic sensing and intuitive body.  

INQUIRY DRAWING: Using metacognitive drawing as a coaching tool in response to your client's body language.  

INTUITIVE DRAWING: Guiding the client into feeling states and a future orientation through guided visualization and metacognitive drawing.

I AM HERE STROKES: Inviting your client to be here NOW - experiencing themselves as fully PRESENT.



Finding new ways to process our stories through image and a new pleasure focus. 

PLEASURE BEFORE PAIN: Introducing a new lens for viewing 'story' work, with a focus on how we want to feel and what is possible instead of past trauma. 


Discovering how to move your client out of old painful stories, and toward future possibilities with metacognitive drawing. 

METAPHOR MATTERS: Recognizing the power and usefulness of working with emergent metaphors that come through in coaching sessions. 

SALON with SHILOH SOPHIA and KATHERINE: Hear what Katherine Torrini has to say about putting thoughts and forms on the page - making them an object so you can be objective about them!  

Voyager Painting Series

We paint to document and process our Frameworks experience.

We will be working on a large painting as part of our integration process throughout the Frameworks training. Your Voyager painting takes the curriculum concepts and adds them into the painting process so that you can BRING YOUR MESSAGE, YOUR VISUAL KNOWLEDGE into COLOR, SHAPE, TEXTURE, and STORY!

Our hope is that this painting is the backdrop behind your desk or work area - a cosmic mandala that is a place where you compost and process to work out your ideas of your Motherboard. Your Voyager painting is required for Intentional Creativity Coach Certification, but don't worry no painting skills are needed - many consider this a fun voyage or wild ride into the unknown.

'8 Degrees of Freedom' Voyager painting by Shiloh Sophia created throughout the Frameworks [formerly named Motherboard] 2019/20 journey.

Here are screenshots of the video series you will receive in a time-released fashion over the course of the Frameworks training.

Voyager 1 - Frameworks

Voyager 2 - Reclamation + Clearing

Voyager 3 - Imprensiva

Voyager 4 - Transmission

Voyager 5 - Blooming

Voyager 6 - Illumination

Voyager 7 - Threshold

Voyager 8 - Freedom

I got my life back in a way I didn't know was possible. I am embracing more of who I am and what brings me joy through drawing and designing on paper and canvas. Playing with color, mixing paints, and applying them on canvas in the Voyager process has been a powerful inner journey. I have healthy, joyful new perspectives on prosperity and wealth-building.

Completing Frameworks [formerly named Motherboard] has been a great permission slip for me to be creative in a way that I believed was not okay or allowed for so long. I have now accessed a whole new dimension of working with the clients I love to support and help by bringing in this accessible approach to discovering and exploring personal insights, to transform them into action and change! ~ Chatelle Jeram, Intentional Creativity Coach

Voyager painting 'Rebirth' by Frameworks [formerly named Motherboard] graduate, Alyse Parise

Picture Yourself Here.

Are you called to this work?

In our visual coach training, we harness the power of images by making our own and encouraging our clients to create theirs as they work with us.

Whether you identify as a seasoned image maker or feel energized at the thought of learning to become one, this training is for you.

Image credit: Intentional Creativity Teacher, Lori Danyluk, graphic recorder, and artist.


  • You have clients, customers, patients, or students.
  • You choose to spend your life energy growing your own self-awareness and that of others.  
  • You resonate with the soul-level experience of another’s breakthrough.  
  • You see the world HEALED through raising the consciousness of the planet.  

This Training is for Storytellers, Coaches, Healers, Teachers, Therapists, Managers, Speakers, Storytellers, Artists, Team Leaders, Medicine Women, Sages, Bodyworkers, Nurses, Doctors, Pastors, Consultants, Helping/Healing Professionals, Designers, Graphic Recorders, Facilitators, Visual Practitioners, Energy Psychologists, Circle Leaders, and Guides of every modality.  


See yourself amplifying the impact of your spoken and written words using analog and/or digital means to draw with color as you lead a process. Imagine the client, with their eyes widening in AHA! as they start clearly seeing for the first time what is actually happening and ready to be revealed to them. As we work with images we grow our clients' capacity to see, and this new seeing gives them access to what may have been out of reach before. It is a liberating act of service to them and their growth.

See yourself again, but this time as you offer your clients the opportunity to pick up the pen and try their own hand at working visually, drawing out of themselves the images that want to be seen, explored with intention, inquired about, and honored. At this stage, you are in the privileged position of observing what is happening for your clients in their inner world. You guided them to use a tool they can come back to again and again on their own journey to greater self-knowledge, creativity, agency, and resilience.


All the skills you are already using in your work weave directly into this approach. This is an expansion of your toolkit through bringing visual wisdom into the dialogue. When your client's imagination is activated, their capacity to see what they haven’t been able to see before comes into view.

Our training is rooted in the basics of neuroscience, visual language, design thinking, energy psychology, storytelling, metacognitive drawing/process, and the intelligence of the heart. Sound juicy? It truly, wildly, and wonderfully is!

While everyone can benefit from the power of Intentional Creativity, this curriculum is designed specifically for the helping professional. 


Here's Intentional Creativity Teacher and Creative Catalyst, Katherine Torrini, who has a business based in Graphic Recording, Visual Thinking & Creative Coaching. She travels the world drawing real-time, mural-sized, infographics at conferences, talks, and corporate events, where these spontaneous visuals mesmerize viewers, activate creative problem solving, and unlock the wisdom of the room.  

Katherine is an Intentional Creativity teacher, and co-teacher on our FRAMEWORKS faculty team and will be sharing teachings during our training as well as co-facilitating the Sacred Scribe in-person gathering.  

Shiloh Sophia and Katherine Torrini teaching a video class on Visual Language, part of the Frameworks Curriculum

Here are a images from Katherine in her role as Graphic Recorder during the Frameworks Class.

Drawing by Graphic Recorder, Katherine Torrini


We are looking to work with those who truly care about others but are also interested in their own growth potential.  

You might have been wondering how you could make your work more impactful, unique, and fun while simultaneously deepening your client’s ability to access their truth and step fully into their beingness. You might also be curious about how you can distinguish what you do so your potential clients can easily recognize you. Imagine what would be possible if there was a new technology using image, word, color, and inquiry that would give you access to your unique source code as a transformational leader. What if that source code could be the game-changer for you, your business, and the key to increasing your client’s success rate?

The images, words, and colors the client chooses will tell a story that you will be able to help them decipher. They will help you intuitively direct the course of your approach, how you hold space and the outcomes that are produced. Your presence is catalytic and supportive and also helps to amplify the field in which they are accessing information.  

Further, in consideration of the state of the world, employing methods that will relax the client and the container/conversation is critical. When they are ‘wound up’ the responses they generate come from that place, a brain that is shut down, in fight or flight, and physically unable to access good decision making, creativity, and more. When they are centered, the way they communicate shifts to deeper levels of self-awareness.  

Just a few minutes of our metacognitive drawing and inquiry can CHANGE the way your clients are feeling, and therefore expressing themselves. It impacts the progress you are able to make, and the exceptional results they get.  

If you have been looking to up-level your offering or define a leading-edge distinction for yourself as a change-maker and increase efficiency and results for your clients, Intentional Creativity Coaching WILL create that.

With over 25 years of experience with tens of thousands of clients and hundreds using this method in their coaching approach, we know it works.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.  

A human being is part of a whole, called by us the "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest -a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us.  

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty…” ~Albert Einstein 

I have used energetic healing modalities for years and have always educated my clients about energy, and their energy field and body. Through the Frameworks [formerly named Motherboard] modules, I have a deeper appreciation of the field, much more than what I have learned before. When I share with my clients the meaning of the red thread, I believe it opens their understanding of the field, it’s an introduction to it, and I build on this each time we meet. The red thread is also a reminder for me of the quantum field. Before each client session, I always set the sacred space which I believe affects the field when my client is in the office, as well as what they see and feel over telehealth – the video office space.

~ Jennifer Krumm, Intentional Creativity Coach

Together we work with everything from the brain and the heart. Perhaps most of all, this experience is exciting because we learn through play and pleasure! We invite your Muse to lead the voyage and find new ways to work with your story that you may not have considered before. When our bodies, minds, hearts, and brains experience play, our capacity to think in complex patterns increases, and the right and left brain are integrated!  

Intentional Creativity Coach Training is a voyage in Consciousness and Creativity bringing the next generation of power tools into the hands of the Helpers. This experiential training is designed to catalyze your intuition, self-agency and awareness, and your unique ways of knowing. Bringing mindfulness into form through creating with intention grants you access to your own information. 

Inspired to put Intentional Creativity to use in your Practice?

Come on over and tell us more about you.

Certification and Guild

Graduates are invited to our Global Guild Community

For Certification, you are asked to submit required assignments, including your Voyager painting, to demonstrate your competency and understanding of the work. There is a total of six practice Intentional Creativity coaching sessions to complete - some of which are done with peers in the training. Lastly, you will be asked to complete an Intentional Creativity Coach Exam/Questionnaire demonstrating your understanding of the core teachings from the course modules. A $250 Certification Fee is collected that goes towards your certificate, digital certification badge, and your profile added to our Intentional Creativity Educator Directory. Students have access to all materials for one year from the start of the training and all relevant materials are available for permanent download.

We currently have over 500 Teachers, Coaches, and Guides as part of the Intentional Creativity Guild, many of which meet monthly to continue exploring the work. We also LOVE meeting in person when we can! Here is a photo of Guild members supporting the Artist Gathering for the Color of Woman Training in 2019. As the opportunity to travel again is here, we may add the option to gather in person. More details will be shared with our students.

Once you are Certified we will provide a graphic for you to add to your materials and website showing you are certified. You will receive a signed certificate. You will be invited to participate in the Graduation Ceremony, more details on that to come!

You will be added to the global Intentional Creativity Directory & Map so that people can find you who are looking for this work. We will announce YOU to our greater community of Intentional Creativity to honor your completion and celebrate you and your work!

Here is our map today, with over 500 Certified Intentional Creativity Educators world-wide

Through Frameworks [formerly named Motherboard], I have clarity around how I can powerfully serve my beloveds. I was able to build on what I learned in Radiance and feel confident in moving forward with program development. Also, I am claiming my innate and powerful ability to hold space for and guide my beloveds through their transformation.

~ Caroline Miskenack, Intentional Creativity Coach and Teacher

Materials Overview

Your art materials are tools for your sacred work!

Below are some suggestions of what you will gather for your home studio if you decide to join the training. We will mostly work with pen and paper, with a bit of watercolor, sumi-e ink, and paint. You'll need journals with thick paper to document all that you learn. For your personal use, you will also need acrylic paint and a big ole’ canvas! You may choose to work with a digital drawing board for many of our processes. Read on for a detailed list of recommendations.

Photo from Shiloh Sophia's Musea studio in Sonoma, CA

Intentional Creativity Coaching Materials List - Suggestion/References


  • 5 sheets of 140lb 22” x 30” watercolor paper (hot press/smooth)
  • Flip Chart paper pads 25X30 (suggested: one sticky note and 2-3 non-sticky flipchart paper)
  • 11” x 14” Blank Visual Journal with smooth ‘mixed media” paper” (suggested: Strathmore or Canson) * You may go through several of these
  • Blank journal/sketchpad without lines (approx 8.5 X11)
  • Sketchbook for Watercolor 8.5X11 or smaller to fit in your bag

Journaling Options

  • Waterproof Black Brush pen w/refillable cartridges. Recommended: Pentel Pentel Arts Portable Pocket Brush Pen or Kuretake No. 8 Fountain Brush Pen with Platinum Carbon Pen Ink Cartridge (Carbon Ink is waterproof and won’t bleed when painted over. (The cartridges that come with the pen are not waterproof)
  • Waterbrush pen (Recommended: Pentel Aquash Water Brush Pen), 
  • Medium Assorted Colors Flip Chart Markers and flipchart paper
  • Assorted colored pens and a black Sharpie
  • Watercolor pencils (suggested: Inktense brand watercolor pencils)

Watercolor Options

  • Watercolor Brushes: Sumi, Hake, and Size 2 or 3 Bamboo handle.
  • Sumi Ink (Yasutomo)
  • Portable Watercolors Kit or Tubes (small is fine - we just want you to be able to put it in your bag with your Watercolor Journal

Painting Supplies for the Voyager Painting

  • 3’x4’ (36”x 48”) Canvas: This is a minimum size but can be larger - 5ft is great! (1.5-inch side gallery wrap)
  • 10-20 Assorted brushes: rounds, flat, filbert, liners, sash
  • Acrylic Paint in a rainbow of colors
  • Liquitex Gloss Medium (small bottle)
  • Dropcloth or rug for the floor
  • Spray bottle(s) - one large, one fine mist & Water jar(s)
  • Palette and or paper or glass plate
  • Rags/paper towels for wiping
  • Artist soap for cleaning brushes
  • Painting clothes you love to wear - your ‘Muse outfit’ for painting or painting robe
  • Easel (or nails/screws directly into a wall )


  • Special bag or box to hold all of your supplies in one place
  • Ball of red thread
  • Special cup for your journey to have tea with the Muse
  • Phone/camera to document your progress
  • Computer with video capabilities and Internet access
  • Sign for your door that says "Keep out ~ Muse at Work"!

My self-power and gifts were always there, but I never before had the tribe that encouraged me to speak or use it. This experience has given me my tribe and lets me know that I am not so different and not alone. The power within me is made to share, and now, I have the knowledge of how to offer it to others. ~ Katie McLane, Intentional Creativity Coach

I've been working my way through Frameworks [formerly called Motherboard] at my own speed, and I have to say I absolutely love the variety of content and how organized it is. I love that we get a bit of painting, a bit of drawing, journaling, and also the heavier cognitive theory to chew on. 

Last week I finished the visual journaling videos about graphic recording, and I've been doing so much practice with it for work in my class with my 3rd graders, for my professional development meetings, for my own pleasure, and even for my son's birthday card.

And today I got my pan pastels in the mail! Can't wait to have a go at these! ~ Rien Cassidy, Frameworks 2020 Student