Intentional Creativity® Coach Certification Training

Based on the work of MUSEA Founder,

A virtual training beginning October 1, 2024 for 5 months
Optional in-person gatherings in California and Greece

We just finished our Priority Enrollment Cycle and will re-open enrollment soon for our last round of applications. Get on the Waitlist to Stay Informed!

A Nourishing and Innovative Journey for those who coach, guide and lead.

This is an incredible opportunity to honor your own innate calling, while learning how to guide in expanded self-expression processes and access the genius of flow state.

Get on the Wait List

Are you looking to increase your capacity to lead, to think and to guide the revolution you are seeking in the world? Rewire your consciousness so that you can guide your clients into expanded self-expression and create limitless possibilities.

Shift your worldview, and develop a new framework for living, working and loving life. Whether you are already in the self-help and coaching field, or are just getting started, this training is designed to free your mind, open your heart and empower your practice and increase your profitability.

You aren't just a helper who has done enough work on themselves to help others, you have a message that comes through all of your offerings. We will guide you to articulate the heart of your message, bring it into your client work and transform the way people experience your coaching. Plus, discover the joy of leading from your natural authentic self-expression!

This journey is FOR YOU. While at the same time offering you unique cutting edge processes to transform the way you offer guidance to your clients. We call your clients 'the guests at your table' and we know that you serve them from your own unique genius. Is it time to sweeten your experience of how and why you do what you do? Frameworks provides just such an adventure...

Frameworks Co-Directors Shauna Prince, Kelly House, and Naa Kwarley Amissah speak to why they are here and why they keep showing up.

Frameworks is a 5-month revolutionary approach to the coaching process, accessible to all professionals and guides in search of high-impact visual methods to meet their clients’ needs in an informed way.

This training is for those who believe that one of the keys to transformation in a client relationship is Access to Self-Expression in its many forms. Self-Expression isn't limited to the arts, it includes people being able to freely access thoughts, inspiration, breakthrough and conversation.

Through our unique research over the past 30 years with tens of thousands of clients individually and in groups, we have discovered a new 'framework' for rewiring our relationship to how we think, feel and therefore act.

This is for you if...

You are actively seeking a BIG CHANGE in your personal and professional life.

If you....

  • Are a helper/healer/coach/leader with a message to reveal and you want to liberate access to your truest voice. Messaging
  • Have spent SO MUCH of your life serving others and you would like to spend time and life force honoring YOU, while receiving revolutionary tools in image and language to share with your clients. Honoring
  • Are a reluctant healer or intuitive who is in coaching, or plan to be - because you don't want to hang a 'healer's shingle' - but you know you want to help others with your gifts. Coaching is a great field for those who have gifts of healing, but a healing practice is not their thing. Transformation
  • Would appreciate an experience of Dynamic Sacred Support to bring forward the next level of your awakening gifts. To speak one-on-one with our certified Intentional Creativity educators, including Shiloh Sophia Support

MUSEA University is offering Frameworks, Intentional Creativity Coach Certification. Applications are OPEN and the LAST CALL for talking live with me is here today - 5 places remain.

Let's see if we are aligned in our working together. I can't wait to SEE you live  on a call - we will know if it is aligned when we speak.

The Basics

  • 5 Month Training in Visual and Sacred Coaching
  • Financial Aid is available to those who apply based on need and circumstance
  • Individualized support in connection with your gifts
  • Private one-on-one coaching in your coaching business with Shiloh Sophia
  • Private one-on-one coaching with our Frameworks Co-Directors team
  • Group coaching and incredible community co-hort - seriously we are a 30 year old community with LOTS of experience to create a sacred space for YOUR transformation
  • Revolutionary tools you can begin to use IMMEDIATELY for yourself and your guests - instant access to greater succcess and making a distinction in the marketplace
  • Our unique approach to business development that will guide you forward authentically even in a challenging economic outlook
  • Paint a giant painting to LEARN the way to Curate your Consciousness, Liberate your TRUE VOICE and Rewire your brain, heart and hands connection. If this scares you - great. If this excites you great! Our research demonstrates that painting, yes painting, is the fastest and most efficient tool for breaking through to a more true identity and clearer voice. 

You don't need any art or creative skills to learn this - it is not about talent, it is about self-expression - and we all have lots to share!

Based on the work of MUSEA's
Curate Shiloh Sophia McCloud

"I have been working with these proven techniques for 30 years, which was passed to me by two generations of teachers starting in the 1930ies. We call it Intentional Creativity®, but we affectionately know it is all about Access to Curating Consciousness.

Curating Consciousness means that we become entirely accountable to how we think, feel, know and create our lives. We move beyond default settings and into the limitless expansion of the heart-brain-hands connection. The problem is we weren't taught to think for ourselves. We know where that has gotten us. Let's try something really fresh, edgy and brave. Let's shape a new framework for the future"

The Frameworks Training is ideal for professionals, coaches, consultants, therapists, guides, healers, leaders, and speakers who guide people to make progress so they can attain greater fulfillment, access to self-expression, expanded consciousness, liberation from previously limiting beliefs, and create the results they desire. "

There are 5 interview appointments remaining with Shiloh Sophia.

Let's answer a few questions!

Who is this training for?

FRAMEWORKS is a Certification Training designed for Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Healers and Practitioners from any field who offer client and group work.

If you are called to increase communication, creativity, out of the box thinking and ride the edge of the coaching field....this is for you.

What will we learn?

You will be able to guide your clients into expanded self-expression through incorporating Visuals, Imagination, Graphic Recording, Metacognition, Innate Intuition, NLP, Flow State Neuroscience, Creative Play and Curating Consciousness within a Trauma-Aware Framework.

Why is this important?
So that your clients can get the most out of their experience in working with you. Move beyond the talking-talking model and into the model of self-expression. In our proven approach your clients create their own solutions with techniques and templates design to activate their own deepest inner knowing.

But it isn't just about what you are going to give to your clients, it's about the journey of arriving at your own solutions and messaging through a journey to free your own mind and heart. You will rewire your consciousness so that you can guide others in re-wiring theirs.

How does it work?
We call our approach, Intentional Creativity, but it has nothing to do with talent or drawing well. Creativity is the access point to your genius, and the genius of your clients and circles.

We have been serving clients for thirty years in revolutionary education, with over 10,000 guests per month, and over 600 certified practitioners. You are in the right place if you want to take your experience and your client's experience into the future of coaching and the field of transformational education.


  • Visuals, Vision, Visionary
    Our visual coach training is designed to empower you to level up your practice by leveraging the power of working visually, using language and images on a journey to access greater clarity and grow exponentially in consciousness.
  • Inquiry + Image + Language + Color = Access
    This unique training takes you deep into the principles and application of Intentional Creativity® in service of process: Your own and your clients’. Our experiential cutting-edge teachings and tools will help you connect to your own material while guiding you to help your clients do the same.
  • Intention, Awareness, Curation
    We curate environments, experiences, and relationships with intention, love, and care. Our coaches honor and celebrate client wholeness and agency while building trust to grow in awareness, access, and activated choice.
  • Community, Connection, Inclusion
    We are a global gathering of women forming an empowering close-knit community walking the path of awakening consciousness by choice.

Get your Intentional Creativity® Coach Certification

Level Up Your Coaching Practice with
Visual Language - Apply Today! 

What if you could access your Internal Source Code and empower your clients to do the same?

Do you feel energized thinking about how you can serve those who want to dance on the edge of embodied self-expression?

Does the idea of learning the technology of metacognitive consciousness (understanding your own thinking) perk the ears of your muse?

This method can help you refresh your approach, enliven your business and create alignment between your inner and outer worlds.

Image by Lori Danyluk, Intentional Creativity Teacher and Visual Coach

If you long to make a difference in the lives of those you are serving, then you are in the right place to gain access to fresh material. Our coaching curriculum demonstrates how to make knowledge visible and how to think in new and exciting ways. As part of your discovery process, you will alter the way you think, see, listen, and work. After practicing, you will bring those insights to your clients and further enhance their outcomes. The material is relevant individually and in groups, online, or in person.

Is it possible for consciousness to be chosen or called forth? What do you think?

Those of us with generous hearts to heal the world often seek to uplevel our own information.​ ​​We continually want to help and evolve our capacities. Our desire for wisdom is insatiable!​

The coaches of the world are innovating right on the edge of the paradox, passion, and possibility! This is an exciting time in an emergent field where science, creativity, and spirit are dancing together​ in co-creation.​

Most don’t know how to truly access the ‘place’ within ourselves, our unique 'source code' - that makes us WHO WE ARE in the seen and unseen realms, but we do! In this training, you will discover how to access and reconnect your inner and outer worlds for optimal alignment and clarity, which your clients will FEEL as you interact with each other.

Over the course of this Intentional Creativity® Coach Certification, we will provide you with modules, practices, processes, and masterminds designed to further your OWN awakening. Even if you have already done so much of your own work, our methods will guide you to the next level. There is also an option for 1-on-1 "coaching the coach" add-on to further advance your skills.

As soon as you are comfortable with the material and have demonstrated competency, you will be able to use it with your clients. Once you get some practice in place, the information seems so obvious and can be seamlessly incorporated into your existing work. We will even help you jump-start your practice and integrate what you have discovered into your offers.

These exclusive teachings were developed directly through the work of the Intentional Creativity co-founders, Shiloh Sophia and Jonathan McCloud, and are only available to FRAMEWORKS students.

Hear from Musea Curate and Co-Founder, Shiloh Sophia, as she shares her discovery and uses for Metacognitive Consciousness through Creative Expression

What will you learn during this 5-month voyage?

FRAMEWORKS: Intentional Creativity® Coach Certification is an evolutionary approach to working with others individually or in groups, designed to empower you to efficiently and effectively catalyze your client’s process and enhance their results. Here is a list of things you can expect to learn during this training:

  • Metacognitive drawing and image-based coaching methods for identifying, catalyzing, and organizing beliefs, concepts, and values that inform your identity and how you live in the world.
  • How to offer this coaching approach with your individual and group coaching programs through virtual mediums (teleconferencing services)
  • Practice curating consciousness through painting - a way of personally experiencing and connecting with the power of Intentional Creativity.
  • Create and keep a Visual Journal of your discoveries.
  • Design a Lexicon of Visual Language Deck.
  • Create personalized graphics and icons that can serve as teaching tools with clients.
  • Create effective Coaching Templates to use over and over again.
  • Learn to tell a story through images with simple yet powerful processes involving pen and paper.
  • Learn how to digitize your hand-drawn graphics and icons into effective online marketing images.
  • Practice image-based coaching with your Frameworks peers in real-time
  • Discover how to intuitively 'source' information from within for yourself and in your coaching sessions.

We will empower you to help in a truly astonishing and revolutionary way: imagination is the key to freedom of self-expression! In our curriculum, 'coaching' simply refers to the act of holding space and guiding process for another. Most of us do it all the time, intuitively through our desire to serve.

The Frameworks Philosophy

The philosophy behind this material is my joy! If we start when my love affair with text and image began, that will take us back to my childhood. Then, as a young woman in my twenties, I created my first book, Color of Woman: an illustrated journal. As an artist, teacher, and coach I have been devoted to bringing image into our hands to tell stories for 25 years. Our lineage, spanning back to the 1930s, is rooted in the power of image and language being employed to communicate the potency of ideas central to human beings. ~Shiloh Sophia

Love is inherent in the desire to 'coach' one another which is why it is time to bring it into the world of Intentional Creativity. To encourage others to arrive at their own place of discovery is an act of loving in action. We are called to gather those who know it is their charge to bring their gifts to the world!  

In Frameworks, our Intentional Creativity approach holds that each person carries their own medicine. Some of us have the special assignment to guide others to remember that medicine and to put it to good use.  

The name, 'MOTHERBOARD' is a metaphoric bridge between inner and outer awareness. This bridge acknowledges that you have your own unique information that we call your internal source code. It sounds fancy, right? Really it is quite simple, and it is a playful way to work with personal stories and the human experience.  

We are inviting you to add this method to your already robust toolbox, magic purse, and medicine basket. By doing so, you can expand how effectively you work when you start including the right and left brain, the heart, energy psychology, creative practice, and intuition. We often hear that those who are called to work with us, "feel it in their body", "know it in their heart" or "have been waiting for this".

By becoming a student of Frameworks and embodying the motherboard curriculum, you enter into a circle of women who are high-level, innovative creative beings. Surrounding yourself with these minds is going to take you somewhere you could not go alone. If this voyage calls to you...we look forward to riding the experience with you.

Let's make the invisible, visible!

Intentional Creativity Modules

Bringing structure, freedom, form, and flow into our collaborative voyage!

The Frameworks Motherboard curriculum is experiential; delivered via 15 multimedia modules where you get to experience the tools yourself and then apply them to the work you do with clients. As with most of our Intentional Creativity offerings, the lessons and shifts work best by connecting to your inner and outer worlds through drawing, writing, painting, thinking, being, practicing, conversation, and trying on the concepts. Below is a sampling of some of the curriculum modules covered in Frameworks. Visit the module page for greater details about the curriculum.









What are some of the benefits I can expect to receive from the training?

  • Incorporate creative modalities into your coaching protocols and practice.
  • Gain the ability to transform stuck stories into stories of possibility; from stories of trauma into tools for empowerment.
  • Ability to show clients how to access that which is hidden (subconscious) and ready to be revealed.
  • Develop or rework existing coaching programs to include intentional Creativity.
  • Amplify the impact of your spoken and written words using analog and/or digital means to draw with color as you lead a coaching process.
  • Equip yourself and clients with a set of reusable tools to gain greater self-knowledge, creativity, agency, and resilience.
  • Guide, witness, and celebrate your client's increased accountability and connection to their own awareness, insights, and intuition.

"It is in messy drawings that work really happens, clarity is found, discoveries are made, and we understand each other and our work in new ways."
~ Brandy Agerbeck

How do I know if this training is for me?

Frameworks Training is for you if you are a woman who...

  • Who wants to up-level their impact, offerings, and results using the emergent and ancient technology of working visually.
  • Who imagines taking those you serve on an empowering creative voyage to amplify, illuminate, and manifest an extraordinary future.
  • Who spends your life energy growing your own self-awareness and that of others.  
  • Who resonates with the soul-level experience of another’s breakthrough.  
  • Who sees the world HEALED through raising the consciousness of the planet.
  • Looking for more impactful, unique, and fun while simultaneously deepening your client’s ability to access their truth and step fully into their beingness.

Where is the training located?

Frameworks Training is held completely online. Once your application is accepted you will gain access to:

  • A Frameworks Classroom via our exclusive iMUSEA App to connect with peer students and ask questions.
  • Weekly ZOOM teleconferencing calls to check-in and practice training exercises.
  • An online classroom to keep you on track with curriculum assignments, watch Live, and Prerecorded instructional material.

Connect with peer students via Private Framworks Classroom (like a Chatroom)

ZOOM call connections

Shiloh Sophia sharing her wisdom

What is my Investment?

Intentional Creativity® Coaching Certification Training is an INVESTMENT in YOU, YOUR PRACTICE, and the FUTURE of the PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT WORLD!

Tuition is $6,497 USD. We offer financing for as low as $300/month. Partial scholarships are considered based on circumstances, but you must apply first so we can learn more about you and your "why" for joining Frameworks.

For more information visit the tuition page.

What is required to take this training?

Certification Requirements:

All Certification and Graduation requirements will be provided upon acceptance into the program.

Here are a few of the assignments

  • View all 15 modules and complete the accompanying practices
  • Watch 'IC Coaching' sample team videos
  • Complete the Intentional Creativity Coach Exam demonstrating your awareness of core teachings from the course modules.
  • Attend "Bountiful" or Watch the Stream and complete the process.
  • Submit a Frameworks Portfolio/Book of your materials in the form of an uploaded PDF.
  • Complete your Voyager painting process - no painting experience required. Intentional Creativity is about the process, not your level of artistic talent.
  • Complete a regular coaching practice of 2 clients throughout the training, and share 3 submissions as evidence of your practice
  • Submit 9 peer-to-peer coaching forms (3 as a coach, 3 as client, 3 as witness)


Pen, Paper, Pastels, Markers, big canvas, acrylic, spray bottle, and paintbrushes. A complete materials list can be found here.

Course Texts:

  • Sacred Inquiries for Self Awareness through Intentional Creativity (PDF)
  • Intentional Creativity® The Art of Coaching Skills and Tools (PDF)
  • 10 Minute Process for Clearly Stuck Feelings (PDF)
  • The Beautiful Bowl (PDF)
  • VisualThinking101 (Katherine Torrini PDF)
  • Designing Your Prosperous Offer (Julie Steelman PDF)
  • Prosperity Postures to Support You In Creating Your Financial Destiny (Julie Steelman PDF)
  • Customizable Closes That Convert (Julie Steelman PDF)

Meet the MUSEA teachers, guides, and guests that will be with us on this voyage

MUSEA Curator & Co-Founder Shiloh Sophia

Graphic Recorder, Visual Thinker, & Creative Coach
Katherine Torrini

Prosperity Coach

Julie Steelman

Leadership Expert & Coach
Amy Ahlers

Visual Coach

Sophia Michaud

Kelly House

Shauna Prince


Naa Kwarley Amissah

Sophie Michaud & Shiloh Sophia
at MUSEA Center for Intentional Creativity

"Intentional Creativity® to me is the path that leads home to ourselves and informs our conscious becoming. Only from this conscious presence to myself can I fully appreciate my connection to others. The work starts within and expands without, including us all. At this time in our shared humanity's story, I can't think of a task more urgent than undertaking this journey of reclamation. Intentional Creativity® shows us the way."

~ Sophie Michaud

What do Intentional Creativity graduates say about Frameworks Training?

"Intentional Creativity has allowed me to journey this thing called life with greater consciousness and awareness of the moments....and lessons of letting go of control and enjoying organic growth....being more intuitive and trusting that intuition....knowing that everything I need is within.....ooooh I love this stuff....there are not enough words to express how much it has done for me."

- Katie Rooney

"With the discovery of Shiloh Sophia and her extraordinary vision of Intentional Creativity, I have plumbed the depths of my story and rediscovered myself with a new inquiry using paint and canvas, visioning, and writing...So now at the age of 80, I feel awake, alive, and vigorous! I’m so eager to share this transformative, life-affirming process with others."

- Sherle Stevens

"This work provides me with a new way of being in my own life and in the lives of my beloved. The personal changes and growth that I have experienced are slowly becoming more recognizable to me each time I witness myself practicing spontaneously a tool. So, I am excited about sharing the essence of awakening that Motherboard [now Frameworks] provided me with to those in my world."
- Karen Schweitzer

You are invited to continue to explore the rest of the site for more details about Frameworks Training, MUSEA, the big painting process, Voyager and much more!